Friday, June 02, 2006

Things, Things n Stuff

So ... exciting happenings at work.

Some fairly major structural changes being proposed in my department
which will hopefully mean:

a) More money
b) More responsibility, freedom, and control

All in all, a good, if busy week.

I've been told that our beloved Mayor wants to present me with a
"Mayoral Achievement Award" recognising the hard work (*cough*)
I put into my recently passed course.
If he so wants to honour me, what can I do but accept!
Of course, I've yet to receive my tickets for said event,
and if they don't turn up, will happily forgo getting dressed up
and made to look a prat.

Long weekend this weekend, which is fantastic, really need to rest and recover.
Although madness is planned for Saturday, as myself
and my erstwhile colleague finalise our takeover plans.

Telecom talked recently about accepting the Governments upcoming Local Loop Unbundling decision, and pledging to work with other ISPs and customers to facilitate real and effective change.
I can't say this has filtered down to the people we have to deal with in their Wholesale department, but we have several meetings with them next week and I propose to bang some heads together.
