Sunday, February 12, 2006


Busy ... few months.

I was never very good at routine, so no surprise at the lack of entries.
Work has been hectic. Actually Work (#2) has been hectic. My 9-5 office job has been meh as usual.

I came up with a weird and wacky idea mid-way through last year.
While I'm always hesitant to use the word "portal" (don't laugh) it is very portalish.

This is my second foray into the 'Business World' and the first did not go well.
As usual I had a crazy idea, incorporated a company with a suitable accomplice, and waited for fame, glory and world domination to roll our way.
Except (luckily, this time) shortly after commencing, I met a few real business people, who had been there and done "it" before.

We now have a mentor who is the CEO of a major financial services company, and who turns out to be Anthony Robbins like in his motivational skills.
Unfortunately for the lazy person in me, this has resulted in 2 months of late nights.
It's been basically come home from work, eat dinner, create content and review the web designers code until 1am (repeat 6-7 days a week)

This has of course resulted in a few late starts at my 9-5 job, and perhaps given the appearance that I "don't give a s***"
The problem is that I do still enjoy my role there, and can see it developing into something interesting in the next 6-12 months.

Balancing this stuff is hard.

But, on the good news front the project is nearing completion.
Late last month we showed a demo to the Marketing Department of a large Telco.
They've commited to purchasing advertising space on our site for 3 months, with an option for another 3 months depending on traffic generated in that time.
This makes it sooo much easier to sell to other advertisers with them as an example client.
We were expecting to give away advertising initially, so to have money coming in from Day One is a bit of a coup!



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