Monday, September 26, 2005

The Joys of Monday

Another Monday gone.

I wonder how many Mondays you get in a lifetime, and whether every day in hell is Monday ?

It actually wasn't too bad as far as work goes.

Do Pedophiles have rights ?

* indicates it's pedo, but the Herald says paedo - NZ/US English differences ?

This story today in the NZ Herald raise some important issues:

In theory this person has served out their sentence as prescribed by our justice system, and hopefully has undergone some form of rehabilitation and been deemed fit to return to society.
Is it fair to then publicise this fact, and create a culture of fear and hatred in their community ?

If the police are worried about them re-offending and feel the need to warn parents in the area, why is this person at large in society anyway ?

Why do we target Pedophiles specially ?
Should we publicise the names of convicted murderers and rapists and warn citizens when they are released ?

If we're going to treat these released criminals like that, it might be better to give them a life sentence with no parole to begin with.
Rather than pretending that they can resume their 'normal' lives.



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